In this article you can learn about the research processes at the University: At the Vice rectory for Science and Technology we strive to help our researchers in their scientific endeavor and artistic creations, develop and transfer innovation ideas, and integrate the students in research as part of their education process.
We seek to generate, apply, and communicate science, technology and innovation, strengthening the research culture and improving the quality of life of our society and the productivity and competitiveness of organizations.
According to Minciencias (Colombian’s Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry) a research group is “a group of people that come together to research on a given subject, formulate one or several problems of interest, draw up a long or medium strategic plan to work on it and produce results of knowledge about the particular subject”.
At the University of Medellín, we have 32 research groups, distributed among the seven faculties, as follows:
The University of Medellín has participated in more than 900 projects with different funding schemes. At the University of Medellín we have a strong commitment towards the generation of new knowledge and its application towards solving problems in our society.
Our research professors are well known for their experience and previous results. Progress has been made in in international cooperation projects and external calls of great relevance. More than 200 researchers make up the qualified human talent to carry out research and innovation at the university.
Interdisciplinarity is one of our main priorities, where inter-institutional, inter-centre, inter-group projects are priority. This convergence of multiple disciplines is subsequently reflected in scientific production.
If you are interested to know more about the scientific projects developed in our University, check out our catalog here in PURE, our research and innovation system.
Professors Nancy Yamile Acelas, Daniela Blessent and Paula Andrea Valencia, accompanied by de Vice rector
The core of research professors is linked to research in specific projects or programs. We have 197 active full-time professors that develop research, teaching, extension, and educational administration activities. Among these professors, we have the privilege of having 7 international professors from 6 different countries.
In the last Minciencias National call for the recognition and measurement of research groups and for the recognition of researchers, we had 158 categorized research professors, who obtained the following results: 27 senior researchers (the highest category in the scale), 43 associates, and 88 junior. Compared to the previous call, published in 2018, we had an 29% professors classified in the highest category.
You can find our researchers, their digital fingerprint, the subjects in which they are working, their projects, results, network and more, by clicking here.
In order to guarantee the commitment to the circulation of specialized content, the University of Medellín has strengthened the editorial management of its 5 scientific journals. These, after being subjected to editorial evaluation processes in Minciencias, are classified in Publindex.
The contents of these journals are available in the “Sello editorial” of the University of Medellin and in the Institutional Repository.
This are our 5 scientific journals:
Anagramas Rumbos y Sentidos de la Comunicación, is an editorial endeavour that aims towards publishing new knowledge in the communication field. The journal understands communication as a compression tool through the scientific research of the different phenomena that compounds the becoming of our societies while expanding and intertwining with cultural dynamics.
The journal has existed since 2002. Nowadays, it publishes both a print and an online version that allows its access from anywhere around the world. The two versions published every year give a deep look into a wide array of topics of interest for communication researchers.
DOI: 10.22395/angr
Ciencias Sociales y Educación, is an open access academic and scientific publication and of biannual periodicity that has as objective to configure a space of diffusion, appropriation and circulation of knowledge of the field of Social and Human Sciences; aims to promote places for conversation and discussion of local, national and international intellectual production, publishing academic texts that can be scientific and technological research articles, reflection articles, review articles, translations for pedagogical purposes, book reviews and interviews.
This journal does not charge for the management, approval or publication of works.
DOI: 10.22395/csye
Opinión jurídica is a scientific journal created in 2000, characterized by printing unpublished articles and the result of research that addresses problems of law and related disciplines. It is an open access and continuous publication, open access, sponsored by the University of Medellin and that does not charge for the processes of evaluation, editing and publication of academic works.
DOI: 10.22395/ojum
Revista Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín is a biennial scientific journal oriented towards building and interdisciplinary academic community among engineers. The journal covers a wide array of interesting topics for different branches of engineering as a contribution to the dialogue between their different specialties among which environmental, civilian and systems engineering can be highlighted.
After an editorial decision of looking for topic similarities, they have recently prioritized the reception of contents on engineering in areas like energy, electronic, industrial and materials engineering, which have been consolidating an important presence in our publication.
DOI: 10.22395/rium
Semestre Económico is a journal from the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences of the University of Medellin. It was founded in 1983 and has been published continuously since 1997.
It is an open access scientific journal specialized in economic issues. Its purpose is to disseminate research results, which should invite reflection, debate and the search for innovative solutions to the problems under study in the economic sciences.
The journal accepts research, review and reflection articles in Spanish, English or Portuguese that have not been published in other journals or any other media. Which are subjected to a process of evaluation external to the institution and double blind to determine the possibility of publication.
As a result of its research and innovation processes, at University of Medellin we have generated 24 national and 2 international patents, which reflect our commitment to generate new knowledge and contribute to solving society’s problems.
Here you will find a summary of some of most outstanding technologies:
Dispositivo portátil de captura binaural de sonido: Device that allows the capture of sound in 3D using an artifact in the form of a human head that emulates the conditions of perception of sound as a person does, preserving the attributes of spatiality: depth and location of sound sources to apply to the pieces audiovisual.
Sistema inteligente electromecánico para el cierre de perillas en cubiertas de cocina: Mixed hardware/software solution (under the Internet of Things – IoT paradigm) that timely detects natural gas leaks through high-reliability and low-cost sensors, allowing the natural gas supply to be automatically closed individually in a cooktop burner. By combining the technology used with a mobile application, it is possible to know the status of each burner (on, off).
Juez inteligente: Sistema experto que asiste al juez en la valoración de la prueba judicial: The algorithm of the Intelligent Judge expert system allows to organize the thoughts from the means of proof, towards the legally relevant facts and even the claims or hypotheses that are considered in the judicial process.
Sistema de losas bidireccionales de mampostería postensada: Agile and ecological construction model that optimizes housing construction by reducing material consumption by up to 15%, construction times by 10%, cracking problems by 80% and, therefore repair costs after sales.
You can learn more about our patents here and all our technologies here.